Heads Up: BAADAUG Extend Your Google App Engine App with Flex: Tony (SF)

Silicon Valley Flex User Group (SilvaFUG)
Wed, 23 Mar 2011, 01:30 - 03:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , San Francisco, US

RSVP: http://baadaug.org/

Google App Engine (GAE) enables you to build and host web apps on the same systems that power Google applications. App Engine offers fast development and deployment; simple administration, with no need to worry about hardware, patches or backups; and effortless scalability. Check it out!

Working with the skeletal application that he created for us in last month's meeting, Tony will show us how to build out a Flex client-side application that will access the Google datastore (and learn why he isn't showing off BlazeDS).

If you missed the February meeting or would like to review it, you may do so by viewing the recorded session. Tony continues to update his Flash Powertools blog with detailed information about installing, configuring, and using the Google App Engine. A brief review of this material will be a helpful preparation for the meetings.

COST: FREE! Pizza provided by Aquent

Connect session: http://experts.adobeconnect.com/enterprisecloud/

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