TDD Firestarter

Sat, 30 Apr 2011, 12:00 - 21:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
Infotec , 100 Constitution Drive, US

Interested in Test-Driven Development? Done the “Hello World” and “Calculator” examples but want to learn more? Bring your laptop and join us for an interactive TDD Firestarter. We’ll introduce you to the concepts of TDD using a code kata. Then we’ll introduce you to mocking frameworks. We’ll also develop a real-world application using TDD. And we’ll finish up with a session on Behavior-Driven Development and how it compares to TDD.

Breakfast and lunch will be provided and you’re invited to join us afterwards for a Nerd Dinner at a nearby eatery.

If you want to get a head start, set up your laptop with the latest versions of Visual Studio 2010 Express (or higher) and the latest versions of NUnit and Rhino Mocks installed. Because we want this to be an interactive experience between you and the presenters we’re limiting attendance to 24. So, don’t wait, register now!

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“The trouble with programmers is that you can never tell what a programmer is doing until it's too late.” - Seymour Cray