Our 6pm (US ET) talk on Thursday Mar 31 will be "No nonsense RESTful ColdFusion Web Services, with Taffy", with Adam Tuttle.
TOPIC DESCRIPTION: (provided by the speaker)
SOAP is a lie: It's not simple, it's not object-oriented, and it's not a protocol; all it does is give you access to things. On the other hand, REST, put simply, is everything that SOAP wishes it were.
Unfortunately Macromedia bet on the wrong horse, and it's dead simple to create SOAP services in ColdFusion; but implementing REST is more painful than finding clorox wipes where the toilet paper should be.
Taffy, a framework for building REST in ColdFusion, is unobtrusive, blazingly fast, and ultra-lightweight. It relies primarily on convention over configuration, and where configuration is necessary, it is kept to a minimum using code metadata.
This session will explain the core concepts of REST in a way that even a total newbie can understand, and show you how to create simple CFCs that expose your data RESTfully.
MEETING URL: http://experts.acrobat.com/cfmeetup/
DURATION: Approx. 1 hour
Meeting will be recorded. URL will be posted after meeting at recordings.coldfusionmeetup.com
SPEAKER: (provided by the speaker)
Adam Tuttle is a Sr Programmer/Analyst at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where he develops ColdFusion and Flex based simulations and serious games for the purpose of enhancing the classroom experience of Wharton students. The goal is 0 risk but high reward: translating funny money into real learning.
He has worked with ColdFusion for more than 10 years, is the manager of the Philadelphia ColdFusion User Group, and an Adobe Community Professional for ColdFusion.
In his spare time he works on Mango Blog and has created several popular plugins for it; and has created a framework for RESTful web service creation in ColdFusion called Taffy.
He and his wife have two sons and enjoy camping, hiking, fishing, and cheering for the Phillies and the Eagles.
WHEN: Thurs. Mar 31, 6:00pm US ET (UTC/GMT-4)
What time is that for you? The following link shows [what the time would be for you]. Here's [another option] that shows the time as US ET, and lets you choose your city from the list offered to see what time that is in your own timezone.
RECORDING: As always, the meeting will be recorded, and the recording URL will be posted after the meeting at http://recordings.coldfusionmeetup.com.
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