Building Twitter With Grails In 90 Minutes

Philadelphia Groovy and Grails User Group
27-28 Apr 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Philadelphia, US

I am happy to announce Jeff Brown from Spring Source will be presenting for an evening meetup on the first day of the Philly Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise Conference.  Some of you may remember Jeff from the from his presentations at a the 1 day Groovy on Grails Seminar here in Philly a few years ago.

About the talk:

This live coding session will demonstrate how the basics of Twitter can be built using Grails and Spring in less than 90 minutes. The fast paced and code-driven presentation will build a Twitter-like application from scratch using Grails and its rapid application development capability.

By bringing together Spring, JMS and Java persistence techniques, Jeff will provide advanced tips and techniques for constructing Grails applications that can be deployed on to the Java EE platform.  This session goes well beyond building simple CRUD applications with Grails.

You can find more on Jeff through Twitter or his blog.

If you'd like more information on the conference you can check out


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