NYC Women in SharePoint Monthly Meeting

Women in SharePoint
25-26 May 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US

SharePoint Job Summit! This session is a redo of the January session, which only a few of you could make due to the weather, plus MORE! Susan Xie, Director of Recruiting for CGS, will be talking about the various job classifications that exist in the SharePoint space and what skills are required for each one. There will also be one or two other folks sharing their experiences and talking about the opportunities for developers, admins, project managers, architects and information specialists of all kinds so don't miss this session!

P.S. IGNORE THE GOOGLE MAP! It's WRONG, and can't be fixed ( blames it on Google, which is lame, but hey, this site is free so its hard to complain!)

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“C++: an octopus made by nailing extra legs onto a dog.” - Steve Taylor