Our 12pm (US ET) talk on Thursday Mar 31 will be "Database Schema Nurturing", with Troy Murray. Note that this will be a shorter talk than normal, about 30 minutes total. There has been recent call from some members for such short topics, which are welcomed.
TOPIC DESCRIPTION: (provided by the speaker)
Keeping track of everything to deploy your web application can be difficult enough, but often forgotten is any SQL changes to the database structure for your new web app version. How can this be tracked better, and how can you make sure these changes are applied for the version of the application you've deployed. I'd like to share my current solution to this problem.
MEETING URL: http://experts.acrobat.com/cfmeetup/
DURATION: Approx. 1 hour
Meeting will be recorded. URL will be posted after meeting at recordings.coldfusionmeetup.com
SPEAKER: (provided by the speaker)
Troy Murray has become one of those IT "jack of all trades, master of none" guys, doing both system administration work and web application development. Troy started working with ColdFusion back in 2000 with version 4.5 from Allaire. He's employed at Michigan State University (Go Green!), but also does consulting on the side through his own company. When he's not glued to his Mac working, he enjoys spending time with his girl and prefers apple pie with ice cream for desert.
WHEN: Thurs. Mar 31, 12:00pm US ET (UTC/GMT-4)
What time is that for you? The following link shows [what the time would be for you]. Here's [another option] that shows the time as US ET, and lets you choose your city from the list offered to see what time that is in your own timezone.
RECORDING: As always, the meeting will be recorded, and the recording URL will be posted after the meeting at http://recordings.coldfusionmeetup.com.
In addition to the streaming recording posted immediately after the meeting, we now also post downloadable recordings (FLV, MP3, and MP4) usually within a few days after the meeting, also offered as a link from the recordings page.
LOGGING IN: When you login to the Connect room (the experts.acrobat.com/cfmeetup link above) to view the meeting, PLEASE USE THE "LOGIN AS GUEST" option, and USE YOUR NAME, but do NOT attempt to use your meetup.com username/password or any Connect account. Just sign in as a guest.
RSVP, but only if coming: We do appreciate folks RSVPing if they plan to come (using the link on this email or at the meetup site), though it's not mandatory and it's not a commitment. But there's no need to RSVP if you can't make it let alone explain why you can't. With over 2,400 members, no worries. :-)
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