Hudson/Jenkins: Beginner to Expert

TechLife Columbus
11-12 Apr 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
Quick Solutions , Westerville, US

Keeping my drive for using the right tool for the right job Paul Mazak has volunteered to present about Jenkins (previously known as Hudson). Please find the details about the presentation and presenter below.


Come learn appropriate practices for Continuous Integration in an Agile age. Hudson (forked as Jenkins) is a flexible CI solution. I'll walk us through its simple setup, show some of the plug-ins, and then dive into leveraging Hudson for a multi-application, enterprise solution. I think you'll see that Hudson can not only perform the CI duties of build with unit tests, but can also serve as a dashboard for numerous deployment and automated tasks.


Paul is an Agile Coach and the Java Practice Manager at Quick Solutions, Inc.  He enjoys writing tools that facilitate Agile using Java, Groovy, Ruby, and JavaScript.  He currently subscribes to the motto that "anything can be automated".


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