Learn about Away3D and the new GPU-accelerated 3D APIs

L.A. Flex
Thu, 21 Apr 2011, 02:30 - 04:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Santa Monica, US

3D in Flash is amazing and easier to do than you might think. And with the next update to the Flash Player - Molehill - 3D is going to become blazing fast. Where the Flash Player used to struggle with 10,000 polygons it can now fly through 1,000,000 polygons effortlessly by using the GPU to do the work instead of the CPU.

Guest speaker Dan Florio will provide a quick introduction into using Away3D inside of Flex or Actionscript projects. He'll start with the basics of setting up primitives in a scene and controlling the camera/view and end up with loading materials onto your models and adding interactivity.

Flash Player Molehill is still in it's incubator stage and so is Away3D. So lots will be changing before a final release is done. But when it is we'll be ready.

Please note the new venue! Workbridge Associates will be hosting us this month and providing pizza and beer.


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