Intro to basic Drupal for newbies

Brian Stevenson
Sat, 23 Apr 2011, 15:00 - 17:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Columbus, US

This might not be a "regular monthly meeting" topic, since I suspect most regular members of this group are at a much higher experience level, but...especially as this group is linked to the wider TechLife Columbus membership (how I first learned about it's activities), I'd love to see how much interest there is in an "Introduction to Drupal for newbies" session. Perhaps several of the more experienced developers could pool resources and "present" an overview for those just beginning, or considering whether to "jump in." Perhaps everyone brings their laptops and are patiently guided through setting up a basic web page and using a few basic modules. I've attended some workshops at the FuseFactory (intro to Flash etc.) where this has been the model (with a written step outline to refer to after you leave so you remember the basics). I got a lot out of them. When you actually do it, you remember, and a live setting where you can ask questions as things you don't understand come up is great. Just a thought.

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