Realize the full potential of JSF with Seam Faces and CDI

The Vancouver Java Users Group
Wed, 27 Apr 2011, 01:30 - 03:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
St. Augustine's , Vancouver, CA

CDI is meant to be the glue of the Java EE 6 Platform, bringing each of the independent EE technologies together into a cohesive whole; however, this integration has only just begun, and still leaves many developers wishing for more - this is where Seam comes in, and where Seam Faces starts to shine.

This should come as no surprise if you are a developer already leveraging CDI in your application; Seam 3 aims to fill in many of the gaps by further leveraging CDI and providing better integration with JSF. Seam Faces provides more refined conversation controls, furthers dependency injection into JSF objects, and bridges together the JSF and CDI event mechanisms.

In addition to these capabilities, Seam Faces incorporates many Seam modules and other technologies to build a truly worthy web development framework. Providing comprehensive support for internationalization/localization (i18n/l10n), improved bean state management, cross-field form-validation, declarative exception handling and more, Seam Faces makes developing JSF applications a breeze.

In this presentation, you'll learn how you can get more from JSF by leveraging these enhancements and integrations. We'll also take a look at how Seam Faces is able to take advantage of the extension points provided by JSF and CDI, and empower you to dive in and resolve your own JSF pain points by contributing to the Seam Faces project!

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