Java 7 New Features Overview

The Cleveland Java Meetup Group
Wed, 14 Sep 2011, 21:30 - 23:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
6055 Rockside Woods Blvd; Lower Level , Independence, US


The Java SE 7 release is the result of nearly five years of industry-wide development involving open review, weekly builds and extensive collaboration between Oracle engineers and members of the worldwide Java community via the OpenJDK project. Over the past year the OpenJDK community has continued to grow, including the addition of major vendors such as IBM and Apple. In June Oracle announced that the Java SE 7 Reference Implementation will be based entirely on the OpenJDK open source code.

The Java SE 7 release includes new features such as small language changes for improved developer productivity, a new Filesystem API, support for asynchronous I/O, a new fork/join framework for multicore performance, improved support for dynamic and script languages, updates to security, internationalization and web standards and much more.

In this session, we'll provide an overview of the these new features and highlight the major improvements.


3 Summit Park Drive
Lower Level Auditorium
Independence, OH

Meeting starts at 5:30PM (networking, food, drink), with the discussion beginning at 6:00PM.

Hope to see you there!

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