First Open App Summit

HTML5 Developer Group
Wed, 14 Sep 2011, 02:30 - 04:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , San Diego, US

Brought to you by CloudCanvas and featuring Sweetlabs Pokki and CloudCanvas Web App Platform

Learn about how two new San Diego startups are changing the way applications are experienced on the desktop and in the browser.

The summit is for Developers looking to innovate beyond the sandbox of iPhone, Facebook or Twitter apps. And, for developers looking to monetize their web applications.

Pokki: How to make awesome desktop applications using HTML5
Pokki is an application platform for the desktop that enables web developers to create awesome desktop applications using HTML5. Please join Adrian for an overview of Pokki and what it can do for you.

CloudCanvas: A new way to develop powerful web apps that can run on any web site. You can build powerful applications and great user experiences that are not constrained by volatile 3rd-party APIs and work with all major browsers. Please join Chance and Steve for an overview of CloudCanvas and what it can do for you.

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“Perl - The only language that looks the same before and after RSA encryption.” - Keith Bostic