Clustered Services With Apache Whirr: From Dev Up < at PuppetConf!

jclouds user group
Fri, 23 Sep 2011, 19:00 - 21:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
Portland Art Museum , Portland, US

* Note PuppetConf carries a registration fee (a quite reasonable one) *

Apache Whirr helps you easily get started with distributed services including Hadoop, Cassandra, and MongoDB in the cloud.  It can take your account on supported jclouds providers (EC2, Rackspace, etc.) and provision a cluster in a single command.  Since it is written in Java, you also can hook this into your integration test lifecycle, for example starting up Mongo before you run tests against it.

This session will review how Whirr is put together.  We'll review how it orchestrates jclouds calls and layers on bootstrap and configuration commands.  You'll also learn how it corresponds to configuration management tools like Puppet.  Finally, you'll see Whirr in action bootstrapping a cluster with ease.

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