Max Your Traffic & Conversions: Enterprise-Level Best Practice SEO Methodologies

HTML5 Developer Group
Wed, 14 Dec 2011, 03:30 - 05:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , San Diego, US

“It's time to get talk SEO. It's been a while.”

Maximize Your Traffic and Conversions Using Enterprise-Level Best Practice SEO Methodologies

Description: Attention pure play Internet companies, multiple-location retail, dealerships, consumer finance services, franchise and manufacturers as well as professional medical legal directories. We will reviewing the latest refreshing and revolutionary solutions displayed in detail, showing you live case study examples of how big brands are leveraging Search to acquire record breaking levels of traffic and conversions. 


Paul J. Bruemmer, managing partner of PB Communications, has 16 years experience in search engine marketing strategy and tactics.

Bruemmer advises executive management and interactive/traditional agencies on Automated Local SEO, Digital Storefront Software, and Semantic SEO Technology. As founder of PB Communications LLC, Bruemmer has helped enterprise-level organizations develop Semantic SEO strategy and tactics using structured markup, product feed optimization, Schema microdata and RDFa markup.

A search columnist, conference speaker and SEMPO author, Bruemmer is an advocate of SEO Best Practices and Semantic SEO Technology to improve the user experience as well as client visibility. You can follow him on Twitter @PaulBruemmer.

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