SEO Case Study Series :

Wordpress, SEO, & Coffee ( WP for Small Businesses Owners)
Sun, 15 Jan 2012, 03:00 - 05:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Irvine, US













Case Study :

( needs location, please let me know if you would be willing to host this event )



It's a new year, which means that it's time to get the meetups going again! I'll be giving a short presentation on the highly effective methods used by a top ecommerce site "" to dominate search engines.


I'll discuss how they use informative, sought after, relevant keywords to produce landing pages in order to funnel "seo juice" to their main ecommerce page.

Not only is this a great strategy for traditional e-commerce pages, but it is effective for funneling "SEO juice" to any type of website.


We'll also have coffee, snacks, and a chance for everyone to meet and talk with eachother in between presentations.


If you're interested in giving a presentation please let me know, thanks!

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