Houston PHP Users Group June Meetup

Houston PHP Users Group
4-5 Jun 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Houston, US

Clint Valusek will give a presentation on how to setup your development environment to make it easier to implement your projects. Here are some of the topics that he sent over email:

"- How I personally set up my local copy of apache and virtual host for easy local development. Keep this very quick but give some conf files for reference. - Also very briefly, how I personally set up my local copy of mysql for easy development. - How to control your application mode(production, staging, testing) through .htaccess and config files. - How I setup the project folder(build, database, documentation, graphics, test, trunk). - Setting up the GIT repository(prepare your .gitignore file). - How to setup a quick and easy unit testing page. I would probably just show a demo of what the working setup looks like. Basically just has a drop-down for what browser to test on what machine. - How to setup a build with phing. I am actually just learning this myself. The database migrations seem to be like rake db::migrate, which was a tool I have been looking for a php version of since early last year. - How to deploy the packaged build. - Maybe show the XDebug setup somewhere in there. "

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