[Schedule Change] Introduction to Mura CMS Part 2 of 3

Denver ColdFusion Users Group
Fri, 13 Jan 2012, 01:30 - 03:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Denver, US


Due to the weather, we have taken it to a vote, and we have decided to move the meetup to tomorrow night.


In part two of this series on Mura CMS we will explore the various features of Mura.

Topics we will cover are:

  • Managing content through Site Manager
  • Email Broadcaster
  • Advertising Manager
  • Extensibility with Plugins
  • Supporting content with File Manager
  • Locking down your site with Permissions
  • Form builder (no HTML required)
  • Easily update your site to the latest and greatest Mura code


Goodies provided by Adobe and Apex Systems. Food provided by Apex Systems.


When you pull up to the building, please feel free to park in the lot or the covered parking adjacent to the building. When you pull in, you will be asked to take a ticket. By the time the meeting is over, the attendant has gone home and you will not be charged for parking there.


Chris Diller is a lover of all things ColdFusion and can't understand why all developers aren't using it. He started his career as a graphic designer and discovered ColdFusion when he decided to make a switch from print media to digital media over 15 years ago. He has never looked back. He is currently a ColdFusion consultant with Cricket Wireless.

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We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

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