CapArea Silverlight SIG - The XNA Framework and Windows Phone 7 - Franklin Balaguer

Thu, 19 Jan 2012, 19:00 - 21:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
2300 Wilson Blvd , Arlington, US


XNA Game Studio and the XNA Framework are designed for cross-platform gaming scenarios with support for Windows Phone 7, Xbox 360, and Windows-based PCs. This allows you to target more platforms from the same code base. XNA Game Studio includes the XNA Framework, a set of managed libraries designed for game development based on the Microsoft .NET Framework. In this workshop, I will go over some free resources available to help you create your own Windows Phone 7 game and then sell it on the WindowsPhone MarketPlace. I will also touch on the basics of XNA (drawing a sprite, handling of input touch, playing sounds, and game state management). Lastly, I will discuss the certification process for getting your game approved and placed on the MarketPlace.


Franklin Balaguer is U.S. Air Force veteran. He spent 8 years in the Air Force managing vehicle fleets at various bases in the United States and while deployed overseas. Frank got his start with computers writing programs to automate tasks and processes everywhere he encountered them. While in the Air Force, he also acquired several certifications including the Microsoft Certified System Engineer, which help him land a job at Accenture. Frank has been with Accenture for the past 11 years helping to write and deliver software to thier clients.

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