Monthly Android Technical Session

Silicon Valley Android Developers Meetup
Fri, 2 Mar 2012, 02:00 - 04:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Santa Clara, US

This is our monthly technical session for experiences Android developers.

Please note that you have to sign an NDA to get into this event.



6:00pm - 6:20pm Networking

6:20pm - 6:30pm Welcome, Announcements

6:30pm - 6:45pm Skype OverView

Speaker: Gabriella - Director of Mobile(Skype)

6:45 pm - 7:10 pm

Topic: How to write cross platform apps for IOS and Android using Lua

Speaker: Clifton/Nitin

7:10 pm - 7:35pm

Topic: Using DDMS for Troubleshooting Memory Problem

Speaker: Louis

7:35 pm - 7:50pm

Topic: How to Grow your Business as an Android Developer

Speaker: Norman Liang Director of Platform Solutions(GetJar)

Speaker Bio:

Norm Liang heads up the Platform Solutions team at GetJar where he is working with the developers to create great products. Before GetJar, Norm has helped leading social brands develop and launch their first mobile products at companies like Photobucket and CrowdStar. At Photobucket, Norm worked with carriers and partners to create its first mobile apps. Prior to that, Norm was at Nokia where he managed partnerships with Google, Amazon, AOL, and Ebay.






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