February Meetup: How to Diagnose and Fix Sites with Problems

Wed, 22 Feb 2012, 00:00 - 02:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Washington, US

Have you ever dealt with problem WordPress sites — old and neglected sites, or sites where the original developer is no longer available and there is no good documentation? Sites set up badly or with poor themes or the dreaded "theme lock-in," or sites using TimThumb or other problems with images? We'll discuss streamlined ways to approach fixing these sites, and also hit on some good practices to avoid future problems when you are creating new sites.

Presenting "Playing WordPress Doctor" is Victoria Pickering. A member of our meetup group, Victoria has fallen in love with WordPress and is partway up its learning curve, with lots of experience working with real-world clients with problems. She left the investment industry before its crash, having formerly been a quant — creating new financial products, with extensive experience in product design and implementation, software development and systems architecture, complex financial instruments and transactions, simulations and stochastic modeling, hedging, securitizations, and some experience in artificial intelligence. Please join us on February 21, 2012, 7 p.m. at Fathom Creative.

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