Miami Ruby Brigade

Miami Ruby Brigade
19-20 Mar 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Miami, US

Rubyists - This is our regular monthly meeting. CareCloud is generously hosting us at their scenic Blue Lagoon office. Visit our website for more information.

Alfonso Guerra will be speaking about design patterns:

Using Design Patterns to Fulfill the Promises of Object-Oriented Programming

This presentation examines how a lack of understanding of design patterns results in code which is difficult to comprehend, extend, modularize, reuse, maintain and have other problems of procedural code which OOP languages like Ruby were meant to solve. It will cover a variety of aspects of design patterns including their origins, purpose, benefits and drawbacks. Focus is made on the patterns cataloged by the Gang of Four, but classified in ways that vastly simplifies comprehension, comparison and determining suitability for a particular use. Examples will be given in Ruby, but the principles apply to programming languages in general.

If you've found design patterns difficult to grok, explain or use in your code, you'll benefit by gaining an understanding of what they are and discover ways to improve your code immediately.

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