Business and customer portfolio management with Kanban

Silicon Valley Limited WIP Society
Wed, 11 Apr 2012, 02:00 - 04:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Campbell, US

Hi everyone,


We are pairing up with the Silicon Valley Agile Leadership Network so that I give one presentation instead of two (collaboration rocks!). Kudos to the SVALN for agreeing to do this. We'll announce the venue as soon as we get one.




Description (same as advertised on the SVALN):

Kanban is great for all kinds of projects (not only sw dev projects). I will show you an example of using Kanban to manage your business and customer portfolio, which can be easily applied to project management.

   See you there,



Our local Kanban expert, Masa Maeda, of ValueInnova worked for David J Anderson until December 2011 and currently is also a senior consultant with Cutter Consortium

He has found much success implementing Kanban in various sized organizations. Benefit from his wisdom and global experience.


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