An Adobe-sponsored Evening with Mike Chambers & Lee Brimelow on Flash!

Atlanta Flex User Group
10-11 Apr 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Atlanta, US

We will meet in conference room B at

3 RAVINA DR, Atlanta, GA. 30346 Atlanta, GA

This is in the same group of buildings as we normally meet.


Join us for an evening with Mike Chambers (AKA 'Mesh') & Lee Brimelow, both from Adobe. This will be a good opportunity to speak directly with Adobe, ask questions, and discuss recent changes around the Flash Player.


6:30-7:00 Refreshments

7:00-9:00 Mike/Lee/Q&A

The Future of Flash – Mike Chambers

In this session, Mike will lead a discussion around recent changes and announcements around the Flash Platform. He will then spend some time laying out the roadmap for the Flash Player, and discuss the direction in which the player will evolve, including the general focus of the player and the ActionScript language and AVM (ActionScript Virtual Machine). In addition to discussing the Flash roadmap, we will be showing off the latest Flash and Adobe AIR content, give some sneak peeks on upcoming releases, and setting aside plenty of time for open discussions and Q&A.

Adobe Gaming Technology – Lee Brimelow

In this session Gaming Evangelist Lee Brimelow will reveal the latest technologies being worked on by Adobe for game developers. They will show how these technologies allow developers to create casual 2D games in addition to AAA 3D games. Current best practices will also be discussed.


Mike Chambers has spent the last decade building applications that target the web and the Flash runtime. During that time, he has worked with numerous technologies including Flash, Generator, .NET, Central, Flex, Objective-C, Cocoa, JavaScript and HTML5. He is currently the Directory of Developer Advocacy for web platforms at Adobe. He has written and spoken extensively on Flash and Rich Internet Application development and is coauthor of the Apollo for Adobe Flex Developers Pocket Guide,Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) for JavaScript Developers Pocketguide, Flash Enabled: Flash Design and Development for Devices as well as Generator and Flash Demystified.

Lee Brimelow is a developer evangelist at Adobe who is currently focusing on Flash gaming. He has worked in the past for companies like AOL, Netscape, frog design, and eBay. Lee runs the highly popular video tutorial site at and writes a blog dedicated to Flash at


This is a joint meeting with The Adobe User Group of Atlanta!  Check them out!

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