Mike Subelsky: Coding for Uncertainty

B'more on Rails
8-9 May 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Baltimore, US

Talks start at 7pm so get here early! Doors open at 6:30, pizza arrives at 6:45.

About Mike's Talk: I will demonstrate a style for building Ruby web applications under conditions of extreme uncertainty with minimal resources (e.g. a typical web startup) when you want to maintain a high, sustainable rate of performance over a long period of time. This talk will feature few, if any, slides. Instead I'll dive into real applications and show you how to keep code quality high while retaining the option to change things later. I'll be demonstrating as quickly and energetically and as clear as I can the following tools and techniques: Capybara, Guard, BDD, VCR (the gem), Goliath, webmock, defensive/proactive use of database constraints,12-factor application design, proper application partitioning (your workers do not belong in the same codebase as your web app), Resque, CloudFront (with the asset_sync gem), New Relic, Papertrail, Heroku, Pound, Airbrake, and more!

About Mike: Mike Subelsky is a Baltimore-based entrepreneur, programmer, and devops guy. His tools of choice are Ruby and JavaScript but he considers himself a jack-of-all-trades. In 2007, he co-founded a web startup called OtherInbox.com, which was just acquired by ReturnPath. Currently, he is pursuing new as-yet-unannounced ventures (he promises "something new and very cool").


Lightning Talk: Kyle Fritz on meteor -- data-driven, realtime web app framework.  With Meteor you write apps in pure Javascript that send data over the wire, rather than HTML using your choice of popular open-source libraries.


Out of town Rubyist Chap Ambrose comes all the way from Austin TX to tell us about Rails Hotline, a helpline for free Rails help. Over 30 developers volunteer their time to help answer questions over the phone. He'll share a few of the things He's learned while organizing this resource for the past year. (5 minutes)

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“Engineers are all basically high-functioning autistics who have no idea how normal people do stuff.” - Cory Doctorow