Pacific Edition: Notes from the Scrum Gathering - 9pm Eastern online

Agile3d Distributed Agile Congress
Thu, 24 May 2012, 01:00 - 04:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Cary, US

May had a few interesting events - The Scrum Gathering in Atlanta, and the Federal Consortium of Virtual Worlds in DC. Join me for an open space discussion from those who attended as they summarize their favorite gems of the conferences. (yes, I'm going to both, so you get at least my thoughts)

I'l like to extend a special invite to our Aussie friends if they can make it at their lunch hour. I know our European friends may be asleep at this time, so we'll do another Atlantic Edition.

Date Wed May 23 (May 24 in Australia)
Format: Phone Bridge + Screen share + in world (Sococo etc)

Connect at
Listen in Sococo or dial in by phone:
U.S. and Canada: (800) 514-8522
India: 180030708877   (Toll # 2230985757 )
International (706) 758-4933

* Conference code: 7469328541

Wed 9pm Eastern, 8pm Central, 7pm Mountain, 6pm Pacific,
Thurs 11 am Sydney

I'll also remind you to send in a couple paragraphs for the abstract for the Distributed Agile Worlds Conference (Due June 30). We'll also go around the room and ask about Agile news from your region.

See ya online & safe teleports!


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