Neo4j in the Real World

Graph Database - San Francisco
Fri, 29 Jun 2012, 02:00 - 05:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , San Francisco, US

Neo4j is a graph database. What does that mean, and when would you want to use a graph?

Let's get together to share notes about using Neo4j in the real world. We'll have a few use cases to present, but encourage you to bring yours and talk about your experience: what was awesome, what was a challenge, what do you need help resolving.


This event is inspired by Aseem's original proposition:

Hi all! I just moved to SF from Seattle, and was part of the Neo4j/graphDB group up there. Very much looking forward to meeting you all here! I've been building a startup on top of Neo4j ( http://www.thethingdo... -- a social network around things ), so I have a keen interest in this stuff and would love to both share my own experiences and hear about other people's experiences. Anyone interested? =)

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