Come on out to our 1st Monthly Project Night!
Bring a Ruby on Rails project to work on, even if it's just an idea, sit around the tables and hack alongside fellow Rubyists.
You can get your questions answered, share advice, make connections, collaborate on a project, or volunteer to help out in the Beginner's Area.
All skill-levels are welcome and encouraged to come!
If you don't have a project, don't worry, we'll finds something for you to do. ;)
Because one of the best ways to level up your Ruby skillz is to work on a project, and Project Night is a great way to do that!
Not only that, but sometimes it's good to just feed off of the energy of a room full of people doing the same thing as you.
Time and Place
- Date: July 17th, 2012
- Time: 6:30pm
- Place: Shopify Annex. See map link for door location.
- Bring: Yourselves, your laptop and a Ruby on Rails project to work on
Plan on coming? Let us know?
We hope you can join us. If you could RSVP here, that would be great.
Beginners are welcome!
We'll have a Beginner's Area where you can feel comfortable to ask any questions that you may have. Volunteers will be on hand to help out.
If you don't have Ruby on Rails installed yet, you should still come by and we'll try and help you get it up and running. But if you can, try working through this install guide beforehand. This way, you can hopefully jump right in to working on your project. :)
Up for Volunteering?
We can use extra hands and minds to help answer questions. Just show up ready to help out, and let us know you'd like to volunteer when you get there. :)
If you'd like to register as a volunteer beforehand, please reach out to one of the organizers.
Don't have a project idea yet?
The project you choose doesn't have to be anything fancy, and you can always switch to another project whenever you get a new idea.
Here's a few ideas get your creative juices flowing:
- A blogging app, with an admin panel for writing drafts and publishing posts
- A web-based chatroom that can accept file / photo attachments (i.e. a Basecamp Campfire clone)
- A personal contact management app. Profiles for the people you've met (i.e. Bascamp Highrise clone, for personal use)
- A simple project management app, based on how you'd like to manage your projects
- A photo-sharing app, like Instagram, but web-based with drag and drop support
- A time-tracking app (i.e. a Freckle [] / SimpleTimer clone)
- A voting app to let group members submit topic proposals for Lightning Talks, and have the group vote. Sorted by most votes.
You can also choose your ideas based on what you want to learn. For example, you can choose to create an app that uses a lot of Javascript and jQuery for the front-end, or requires a super-fast in-memory database like Redis, etc.
Come on out, it'll be fun!
In the meanwhile, here are some Resources
- New to Ruby or Ruby on Rails? Check out the Getting Started with Ruby on Rails blog post at
- Want to a few tips on writing Ruby-like code? See the Three Code-Style Tips for the Budding Ruby Developer post on
- Questions? Join us in the Ottawa Ruby Google Group.
- Plan on attending? Let us know by RSVP?ing for this event on
We hope to see you there!
The Ottawa Ruby Team