Test Driven Development (TDD) in Action with MockBox and MXUnit

Central Florida Web Developers User Group
Wed, 25 Jul 2012, 16:00 - 19:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Tampa, US

Please RSVP here: http://www.coldbox.org/cbdw/sessions/12


Improve quality and harden your application by embracing the discipline of Test Driven Development. During this discussion, Aaron Greenlee will demonstrate test driven development (TDD) using a real ColdFusion application powered by the ColdBox framework and the MXUnit test framework along with MockBox.

Learn how TDD can help you write code faster, work to guard quality and allow you to work with more freedom than before. Everyone interested in writing code faster and improving the quality of their application should find value in participating in this discussion. No previous knowledge of test driven development or experience with MXUnit or MockBox is required. Participants are expected to be familiar with ColdFusion (CFML) language. All examples will be demonstrated on ColdFusion 9.01 running on a Windows 7 developer workstation with Adobe ColdFusion Builder 2 and the latest MXUnit and MockBox libraries.

Please RSVP here: http://www.coldbox.org/cbdw/sessions/12

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