SharePoint Saturday Bend 2012

Sat, 6 Oct 2012, 08:00 - 18:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Bend, US

SharePoint Saturday Bend is an educational, informative and lively day filled with sessions from respected SharePoint professionals and MVPs, covering a wide variety of topics focused on Microsoft SharePoint technologies. Sessions will be geared toward End User, Administrator, Developer, and SharePoint 101 (beginner) audiences -- so there's something for everyone.


SharePoint Saturday Bend is FREE, open to the public, includes lunch and door prizes, and is your local chance to immerse yourself in SharePoint! SharePoint Saturday is a non-profit, with this event being hosted by the Bend SharePoint User Group and being held in Pioneer Hall at Central Oregon Community College. Visit the website at for the latest updates, or follow us on Twitter at #SPSBEND.

And following every SharePoint event is an official networking event at Fox's Billiards, called 'SharePint'. Come make a day of it, and have some fun!


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“Anyone who considers arithmetic methods of producing random digits is, of course, in a state of sin.” - John von Neumann