Main Talk...
The Rails View: The Junk Drawer Grows Up
You like Ruby. You know how to write it and refactor it. Controllers and Models are Ruby: fantastic, superb! Views, on the other hand, while Ruby ? are also mixed with HTML, JavaScript (or CoffeeScript), and CSS (or SCSS). In this mixed environment it?s easy to drop your high code standards and turn the top of the Rails stack into a nasty, brittle mess just to get things done. How do you recover, or even better, avoid the trap in the first place? How can you get to the point where you treat your views like code you?re confident in?
We'll cover 10 simple rules you can follow immediately to transform the way you write, think, and feel about Rails views. We'll also look at some cutting edge techniques with SCSS, SVG imagery, and more in some recent projects the speaker has been working on. 45 minutes
About the speaker:
John Athayde
(Internal Tools UI/UX/Front End Lead at LivingSocial)
John Athayde is a UI/UX/Design type who comes from an architecture (of the building variety) background. He's been in the Rails community since 2006 and has broad experience in e-commerce and running creative teams. He is currently leading the design and view development on Internal Tools at LivingSocial. Prior to LivingSocial he was the Design guy at InfoEther and ran Hyphenated People, a UI/UX Consultancy with Amy Hoy. He also runs Meticulous, a design and film company, in his free time. He is co-author of the Pragmatic Programmers book, "The Rails View".
Warm up act...
If it doesn't ship, it doesn't matter. Unreleased software doesn't make a business money and isn't satisfying for the programmer to work on. As team sizes grow it becomes more difficult to prioritize released software. Release times increase and programmers can burn out. But it doesn't have to be that way! Learn tips on how to release software more quickly and practice them in your next meeting or on your next project. Releasing software faster and iterating based on feedback might make the difference between your project turning into a profitable business or not. Maybe your product is successful now, but you want to try additional business lines to diversify. Consumers are fickle and and consumer behavior changes quickly, validating ideas against real consumer feedback is the best way to deliver business value. 25 minutes
About the speaker: Andy Atkinson has worked as a full-stack Rails engineer on consumer-facing projects at LivingSocial for 2 years. He has been part of the rapid growth of the engineering team from 10 to 80, from working independently, to being part of a team of engineers, designers, and managers. In that time he has experienced the challenges of continuing to release new products and features to consumers at the same rate of speed and level of quality within a rapidly growing organization.