OC Flash

Orange County MultiMedia Meetup
Wed, 3 Oct 2012, 01:30 - 04:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Santa Ana, US

OC Flash Renaming Time (Really!), Share Our Stuff & Expertise Time, and the latest Adobe News

OC Flash - Tuesday, October 2nd


Thank you to all that participated in our September OC Flash meeting. We enjoyed a great HAXE presentation by John Reyes and made progress on our new group name!

Our upcoming agenda will focus on sharing our stuff with each other, talking about latest news from Adobe and our book sponsors, and finalizing our group name. We will cover:

  • What is our new group name (Note: The person who submits the name that is selected will receive a free book of their choice from our collection?and one of them is about Flash CS6!)
  • What's the latest Flash news, tricks, tutorials, and tips from Adobe? And?.how you can get a book from one of our sponsors?including one that has not yet been published?
  • What do you, as a member, want to share with the group? This can be a tip, trick, tutorial, project, or question. We will allocate 10 minutes max to each member that wants to present?and will award raffle points to those that do!
  • Future meeting topics and timing
  • We will also continue with our tradition of sharing announcements and opening up the meeting to member sharing of tips and tricks, job opportunities, and requests for group assistance

How can YOU make this meeting a success? YOU can:

  • YOU can let Caprice or Jeff know ASAP if you want to share YOUR stuff at the meeting (Note: please prepare for a 10 minute maximum presentation/discussion)
  • YOU can bring your top three group name ideas to the meeting
  • YOU can come prepared to share any information you have about meeting topic ideas, jobs, tips, resources, and/or need for the group to help you on an effort
  • YOU can reply indicating will be attending the meeting (for food, of course!)

We look forward to seeing YOU on October 2nd!

~ Jeff & Caprice, OC Flash Co-Managers


OC Flash is an official Adobe User Group, offering presentations on Flash and related software. This meeting is open to designers and developers of all skill levels, from beginning to advanced. Tips and techniques are demonstrated by OC Flash members as well as outside speakers. Jeff Gomes and Caprice de Lorm are the Co-Managers of OC Flash.

OC Flash generally meets on the 1st Tuesday of every month, with exceptions around holidays as agreed on by the group. The meeting fee for Orange County MultiMedia Association non-members is $10 and $5 for students. Visit the OC Flash page on the OCMMA Site for more information.

REMINDER: We will be giving away the Adobe Software Bundle of your choice in June. You must have attended at least 2 OC Flash meetings since January to be eligible to enter this bi-annual raffle. Earn raffle points at this OC Flash meeting simply by attending. Earn additional points by presenting, sharing a project or tip. The prize is an AdobeSoftware Bundle of the winner's choice (limit = $2,100 MSRP). This raffle is held two times a year, usually in the months of June and December. *

Click here for a full list of raffle rules and ways to earn raffle tickets.

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We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

“Computer science education cannot make anybody an expert programmer any more than studying brushes and pigment can make somebody an expert painter” - Eric Raymond