Continuous Integration and Delivery

19-20 Nov 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
Skills Matter at the MWB Busin , London, GB

Absolutely obsessed with Continuous Integration? Want to know how Continuous Integration and Delivery can have a drastic improvement on your project,team and organisation? Join CI expert and well-known speaker Paul Stack on November 19-20th and learn how to use Continuous Integration and Delivery as a fundamental pillar of running an Agile project and how to know whether the latest checkins make or break the project. Find out more here:

It is becoming more common to ship fixes and features to customers often, and as a result, Continuous Integration and Delivery is becoming a fundamental pillar of running any Agile project. In this course, you'll learn how to use best CI practices, how to recognise if the latest checkins make or break the project, and how to fix mistakes quickly so that you can reduce costs and avoid problems in the long run. Upon completion, you'll know how to use the tools & techniques to achieve drastic improvements whilst supporting a shift in the mindset of your team and organisation.

Want to learn more? Find out more here:

Two-day, hands-on, practical workshop. Learn about the CI/CD process and the parts involved. Work efficiently with tools and techniques to minimise setup costs and running operations Learn of new techniques being applied to improve CI. Are you a developer, architect, build engineer interested in automating and improving your build process? If so this course is for you!

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