Holacracy(TM)-Creating an Agile Workforce to Meet Emerging Market Needs

Tue, 6 Nov 2012, 08:00 - 10:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Sacramento, US

1.5 General Recertification Credits

Do you want to get ahead of your competition? How about bring products to market faster and more efficiently? Or attract and retain top talent? Of course you do, but how? Discover a new evolutionary business practice called Holacracy(TM) and shift from having the illusion of control to utilizing a trusted operating and governance structure.

Learn how to move from the outdated "predict and control" model, to a systematic approach that has the entire organization committed to success. Progressive leaders and those who work for them, this game-changing presentation is for you.

You'll leave the meeting able to: * Increase employee engagement using a distributed authority structure * Continually reprioritize critical strategies and actions * Harness the collective talent and knowledge of your employees * Ensure meetings remain on target and stay drama free * Create an agile workforce able to meet the emerging needs of the marketplace

About the Presenter

Anna McGrath, Founder and President, WonderWorks Consulting launched WonderWorks Leadership Development in 2003 and has built a reputation as one of the leading experts in executive consulting. Anna's distinguished roster of global and diverse coaching clients includes Fortune 500 companies, mid-sized businesses, small-business owners and start-ups. Her strong leadership background in the financial, retail and sports management industries spans two decades and provides extensive real-world corporate experience to her clients. Anna is the creator of the WonderWorks I.M.P.A.C.T. Solutions(TM) programs and the Make Your Goals APPEAR(TM) method.

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