Bert Ertman's Transactional Programming using EJB 3.1

19-22 Nov 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
Skills Matter at the MWB Busin , London, GB

Java EE 6 is a greatly simplified programming model and it now has all the ingredients that make for a successful lightweight component based implementation. At last a decent implementation of a server-side component framework as part of the Java EE specification! No longer are you dependent on non-standard, proprietary, frameworks such as the Spring framework.

EJB 3.1 continues down the path where EJB 3.0 left off - to further simplify the EJB architecture by reducing its complexity from the developer's point of view, while also adding new functionality in response to the needs of the community.

Bert Ertman's Transactional Programming using EJB 3.1 is a lab-intensive four day course that teaches you how to benefit from the new EJB programming model. You will learn to deal with complex issues like concurrency and state management, exception handling, interacting with messaging systems, persistence, offloading long running operations to asynchronous processes, and integration with web services. We will not only focus on technical features, but also on architectural aspects like non-functional requirements, dependency management, design considerations, and testability.

Delegates will also receive a copy of the O'Reilly book Java EE 6 Pocket Guide during the course.

LEARN HOW TO: Develop Transactional Java Enterprise Applications. Use the Java Persistence API for Persisting Data into a Relational Database. Leverage Contexts and Dependency Injection to Benefit from a Decoupled Programming Model. Apply Messaging Techniques for Asynchronous Transactional Processing. Expose Endpoints as SOAP or RESTful Web Services. Integration Test Enterprise Java Applications using Arquillian.

For a full course breakdown and registration please visit:

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