on OCAndroid: OCJUG(Java) Std Mtg 2013.02(book review)+

The Android Developers/Users Group of US.CA.Orange Co.
Fri, 15 Feb 2013, 02:30 - 05:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Tustin, US


(OCJUG(Java) Regular Meeting's OCAndroid listing

  1. (LTNVQ2 track description=All regular meetings of (OCJUG=Orange County Java User Group http://OCJUG.Org) starting 2011.11.))
  2. (LTOOCC Occurrences in order, 3-or-more in a row, starting ideally at the last to take place=
  3. (LTNVECTrack Leaders from our group=

    1. (LTNVFM=Leader #1: MEZTO5: "4: pst2012.02.09"-present: "Ray Tayek of Lakewood; joined 2012.01.20; .. leads ocjug track ")
    2. (LTNVHE=Leader #2:(LTNNOM=Open! Nominate Someone by saying so in the event listing's comments.))


  4. (LTNW5G=I list OCJUG events on OCAndroid because:

    1. (LTNVVT="native" & typical Android programming is done in Java.)
    2. (LTNVY0=Both groups serve exactly the same region: Orange County.)
    3. (LTNVYJ=SoCalAndroid Hack Nights, which OCAndroid re-lists, are scheduled not to be the same week as the OCJUG Regular Meeting.)


  5. (LO9QFO=To attend, you must follow the latest version of "info for every Meetup.com/OCAndroid event LEVW4X")
  6. (LG4OWH=What are these codes as ?LG4OWH? on this paragraph? They're short IDs to date-stamp, uniquely-reference, and portably-track content.)
  7. MEZSDH: Listing Todo

    1. (LYSTFB THIS EVENT DESCRIPTION FORMAT to soon be improved: to be updated to our new standard as done on our SCALE10x as Fri.)
    2. MEZSMJ: Update format to MEStyl.

  8. MEZSBG: Listing history:

    1. MGDM61: starting from listing creation, I Destiny am the author except as noted here.
    2. (LTNTB1=now I created this event listing by copying (quote=(LT2MOD last mod=2011.10.25(Tue)pst0758)(LT2STAversion 1.0)(The next-gen of Amazon's Appstore" by&at (its developers=a2z's Mobile Services)http://1.JotHere.com/LTM5HG)() then keeping only the reusable.)
    3. (LTNXQ2=Set the attendee limit to 25 as the venue holds ~40 and I expect it already has no more than 15.)
    4. (LTNYKK=changed name
      (replacing (fr=OCJUG) (to=OCJUG(Java)) (as=makes keyword "Java" much more obvious))
      (to=OCJUG(Java) Regular Meeting, OCAndroid attendees
    5. (LTO2KL=changed name
      (as more accurate)
      (to=(OCJUG(Java) Regular Meeting's OCAndroid listing
      http://1.JotHere.com/LTNWI5))); "officially emailed out; please now comment & RSVP"
    6. (LUH0W8=Have been sick last few days so I haven't updated this sooner.
      (Updated listing to to new format of On Town listing)
      (Posted Greet to Ken Chen of his leadership position here and added him here.)
      (LUH1A2=in ~5 min will officially 1st email out.))(LT2MOD last mod=2012.02.09(Thu)pst1821) (LT2VER version=4.1)
    7. MEZS63: Updated "LTOOCC Occurrences " to be complete: from 8 to 17 entries; basic formatting updates per MEZSMJ above; added "LTNVFM=Leader #1:"; pst2012.12.13thu1520.
    8. MEZTTQ: Fixed many formatting errors; pst2012.12.13thu1542.
    9. MEZV10: For "14: pst2012.12.13thu:", update title from q(Panel Discussion on Java Consulting & Freelancing) per my comment; pst2012.12.13thu1611.
    10. MGDLXD: updated replacing topic "TBA" of "15: 2013.01.10thu: OCJUG 2013 activities planning"; removed "pst"; pst2013.01.10Thu1257.

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