RVNUG Special Event: Jeff Barr's Amazon Web Services User Group Road Trip

Thu, 16 May 2013, 18:30 - 20:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
207 Bullitt Ave SE , Roanoke, US

NOTE START TIME is 6:30 PM and Please Register. Chief Amazon Web Services (AWS) Evangelist Jeff Barr will make a stop in Roanoke as part of his 13 city, 5500 mile speaking tour with a presentation designed to introduce AWS and cloud computing to those who don’t know much about it, and to discuss the latest and great AWS developments for those who do. Topics to be covered include the latest EC2 instance types, the Relational Database Service, Amazon Glacier, Amazon Redshift, and the Virtual Private Cloud.

Please come armed with lots of questions; Jeff enjoys the interactive part of user group presentations.

Jeff holds a BS degree in Computer Science from American University and is a part-time graduate student at the University of Washington. He’s father to 5 children and grandfather to 1. He’s a 10 year veteran of Amazon.com and has also worked on the Visual Studio team at Microsoft and at several startups.

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