Intro to Angular JS

Mon, 12 Aug 2013, 19:00 - 21:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
Shire Hall , Hereford, GB
Free to members. Non members can attend 2 meetings FOC.

George Adamson comes up to Hereford to deep dive into Angular JS.

An accomplished front-end dev, design architect and UX evangelist, George has tackled apps and web sites ranging from Dyson to Doctor Who, getting immersed in all aspects of Information Architecture, Interaction Design and Ideation. He strives to edge clients towards Institutional Usability.

From time to time George pops off to speak at conferences and user groups, typically on jQuery, Advanced JS shenanigans, Responsive Web Design and Interaction Design, about which he’s rather obsessive.

Currently kicking the mobile and ui tyres of and Recent projects include Vodafone, Detica, Dyson US, Intrinsic's ATR app for iPad, Avelo mobile apps, BBC Doctor Who, Nationwide, HMV, Waterstones.

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