CIO talk: Leadership through downturn economies

Tue, 2 Jun 2009, 19:00 - 21:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
Google Headquarters , Mountain View, US

Topic: Leadership through down turn economies - Sustainability around People and Ideas

While taking people and head count down is the easiest way to recognize financial results around your budget, it's not always the right solution for the company, people and the economy.

In 1999-2000 we started to experience a similar downturn in economy, companies got shut down, plans for growth were put on hold and IT was under a microscope, a lot of spending for Y2K, big depreciations, ERP upgrades that always did not go right and the pressure around keeping budgets as a percentage of revenue, while revenues were declining rapidly.

If you are experiencing pressure on obtaining a lower budget while delivering to ever increasing demands placed on you and your team, then this session is for you. We will talk about some approaches on how to build a sustainable IT model that is in line with the company objectives.

About our speaker:

Sunny Azadeh is founder of inSource America, a C-Corp in Silicon Valley focused on providing subscription and project based G&A services to startup and mid size companies. She is an Information Technology and Operations Executive with over 25 years of industry experience in the area's of supply chain, logistics, semiconductor, technology and medical devices. Prior to her role as founder Ms. Azadeh served as CIO and VP of Global IT at Align Technology, SVP of Information Technology at Agile Software and CIO at ZiLOG Inc., where she was responsible for global strategy, design and implementation of information systems. Ms. Azadeh is an active member on the Consortium of Information Systems Executives. Since 2003, she has been serving on an advisory board for emerging and new technologies in the Bay Area, focusing on security, virtualization and open source collaboration. She is also a mentor and alumni at Women's Unlimited.


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