What's New: Flash Catalyst, Flex 4 and more!

Boston Flex & Interactive Media Meetup
9-10 Jun 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Auburndale, US

The Boston Flex User Group's next event will be held on the evening of Tues, June 9th at One Broadway, Cambridge MA in the 5th Floor Training Room at 7pm.

Please feel free to come at 6:30 or so and hang out before the talk. Pizza and drinks will be provided.

Discussion Topic Christophe Coenraets is a Technical Evangelist for Adobe where he focuses on Rich Internet Applications and Enterprise Integration. He has been working on Flex since the early days of the product in 2003.

In his previous role at Macromedia, Christophe worked on JRun, the company's J2EE application server. Before joining Macromedia, Christophe was managing Java, Internet, and PowerBuilder evangelism at Powersoft/Sybase. Christophe has been a regular speaker at conferences worldwide for the last 15 years. He blogs at http://coenraets.org.

Christophe will be discussing these topics at a minimum, and probably much more:[list]

  • Flash Catalyst
  • Flex 4
  • Building Data Centric Apps with Flash Builder 4.
  • New Model Driven Development in Flash Builder 4 and LCDS 3
  • [/list]

    PLEASE NOTE:In order to RSVP you must visit http://www.bostonfug.org/ and register your name.

    Thank you. Enjoy!

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