The Boston Java July Meetup

The Boston Java Meetup Group
20-21 Jul 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Mid-Cambridge, US

The next meetup will be at the Microsoft Research Center, One Memorial Drive, Cambridge.

Chris Janicki of will give a presentation on the Java technologies used to develop Augur.

Augur is an event/fault manager and notification system. It can collect any events (e.g. syslog, SNMP traps, proprietary logs, etc.). It processes events through a graphically configured rule tree that can parse out variables, apply rules, and generate/clear alerts. It is used in network management solutions, as a manager-of-manager, and sometimes as a data parsing/integration tool.

Chris spent a decade working in the telecom industry where he administered commercial enterprise solutions, and as those tools reached their limits, he wrote new applications for workflow management, trouble ticketing, reporting, notifications, and fault management. 11 years ago, he left a perfectly good job and started Augur Systems to write Java applications. Augur is the flagship product. It is available for free. (The business model is based on customers that prefer paid support.) More info here:


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