The BA role in Agile - International Institute of Business Analysts

TechLife Columbus
8-9 Jul 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
Information Control Corporation (ICC) , Columbus, US

The next IIBA Columbus Chapter Meeting is Next Wednesday July 8 at Information Control Corporation (ICC).

To find out more about IIBA

Our topic will be: The BA role in Agile, presented by Anish Tulsian from ICC.

Meeting is open and free to IIBA Members and Non-Members.

Enjoy networking, food, and beverages starting at 6:00 PM (provided by ICC) until the topic start time of 6:30 PM.

Summary What is the role of a BA in an Agile environment? What am I doing differently if I am doing Agile development? See how comprehensive documentation should be in order to develop working software on time. What keeps me motivated, organized and efficient if I am doing Agile development? Learn how a project team follows Agile development methodology to build releasable software in short time periods.

Speaker Bio Anish Tulsian has practiced software development for more than 7 years as a Business Analyst, Solution Analyst, Team Lead and Project Manager. He holds a Diploma in Software Technology and has an MBA from Loyola University Chicago. His work in commercial software development has spanned over several domains including banking, credit cards, insurance, transportation and logistics. Throughout his career, Anish has served as a coach and change agent for organizations implementing process re-engineering to improve their ability to positively affect the business impact of their software development projects.

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