Web Analytics Wednesday

TechLife Columbus
15-16 Jul 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
Qwirk , Columbus, US

Web Analytics Wednesdays are an opportunity for full-time web analysts, part-time web analysts, and anyone who is interested in learning more about web analytics to get together and share their experiences! We will informally network for a bit before sitting down and ordering food, at which point we will have a brief presentation/discussion about Bizwatch led by Laura Thieme.

While it's great to RSVP on this site, please also RSVP on the Web Analytics Wednesday site to help us get a consolidated list of registrants.

We are excited to welcome a new sponsor this month! Bizresearch will be co-sponsoring the event with the Web Analytics Wednesdays Global Sponsors. The sponsors will be covering food and nonalcoholic beverages only, although you are welcome (and encouraged) to sample Barley's fine offering of frothy beverages on your own tab.

Laura Thieme, a 12-year search marketing and analytics veteran, has developed a new search analytics application: Bizwatch. Observing the challenges of monthly trend search marketing reporting and analysis, she developed a new application that combines SEO, competitors, keyword research, paid search and web analytics. It focuses on data integration amongst the three areas of search marketing. It focuses on trend analysis and keywords that convert.

Thieme is looking for feedback from industry colleagues on the search analytics application. She is also hoping to hear from search marketers regarding monthly reporting, applications they are using, and other search analytics data integration challenges they are experiencing.

It should be an engaging discussion!

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“We better hurry up and start coding, there are going to be a lot of bugs to fix.”