The Boston Java August Meetup

The Boston Java Meetup Group
17-18 Aug 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Mid-Cambridge, US

We will be at the Microsoft Research Center, One Memorial Drive, Cambridge.

Mark Renouf of will lead a discussion of GWT at the July 20th JAVA Meetup. Mark says:

"The Google Web Toolkit (GWT) gives developers the ability to build fast, highly efficient JavaScript based web applications while leveraging Java and the tools you're already familiar with. We'll explore the key pieces that make it all possible and why it's such a huge advantage over developing directly in JavaScript. I'll build a simple application from the ground up to give you a feel for what developing for GWT actually feels like. Finally there will be a sneak peak of the exciting new features coming in GWT 2.0."

Mark Renouf is a programmer with Aerva, located in Cambridge, MA and has been developing with Java for the past 9 years. He recently led the effort to build a completely new GWT based interface for AerWave, the company's Digital Signage product.

Our meetings are personal, engaging and everybody is sharing in the topic at hand. Come and share your experience with your peers.

P.S.: Thank you to the many members that RSVP (one way or another). This helps your humble organizer to manage the crowd at the venue.

I hope to see you there.



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