SEO Social 2.0 (August)

DC VA MD New Media Tech - Video - Social Web (1 Piazza)
4-5 Aug 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Washington, US

[color=olive]Topic/Theme: Everyone bring one tip to share (or a question) related to web traffic or online web promotion.[/color]

Search Engine Optimatization (SEO) meets Social Media Optimization (SMO)... a mashup of meetups & conversations. Plus generally a discussion around having a website or blog.

This is a recurring special event, as we bring different meetup groups together to discuss SEO as it relates to social & web 2.0 aspects... or is it that we'll discuss how social & web 2.0 can benefit from knowing SEO?

Also joining us is the Washington DC SEO meetup group, for sharing ideas & experiences (their event listing adds more people to the event).

Starter ideas and questions for the night's conversation: [list]

  • What are some strategies to get links to your website?
  • What is "Universal Search" and how can you get more traffic from understanding how search results are changing from the traditional list of website links?
  • Are you more familiar with SEO, SMO, or neither? Or both?
  • Is it better to focus on SEO to get traffic, or focus on SMO? What is the difference?
  • Is traffic all that you want, or do you want a benefit that traffic will bring to you/your site? Examples of benefits include branding, signups/registrations/orders, advertiser ROI (including text ads), and
  • How do links from comments (in blogs, on YouTube, etc.) help in SEO?
  • [/list]

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