J2EE Application Development for Forms & Designer Developers

Tue, 4 Apr 2006 (Add to calendar) GMT
Oracle UK Headquarters - Reading , Reading, GB

Mobile applications? Web services? Rich web clients? How can Oracle Forms and Designer users take advantage of these new technologies? This presentation gives Oracle Forms and Designer users a practical introduction to Oracle's complete J2EE application infrastructure and Java development environment.

Taught by the Oracle product managers who brought their Forms expertise to design Oracle Application Development Framework--a product that abstracts much of the complexity of J2EE and enables rapid application development for J2EE--this presentation will introduce concepts familiar in Forms that also exist in ADF, including data blocks, canvases, triggers and record groups.

This Developer Day will show how 4GL RAD developers can quickly become productive with the use of a visual, declarative, framework-based approach to J2EE application development

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