Sharing the Point ...

Mon, 21 Sep 2009, 19:00 - 21:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
Shire Hall , Hereford, GB
Free to members. Non members can attend 2 meetings FOC.

Come along to Hereford and find out what all the fuss is about SharePoint, one of Microsoft's most successful products ever. It's a feast of features for both IT Pros and Developers and Dave will aim to pack in as many aspects of SharePoint as he can, in between packing in as much Pizza as he can! Dave's joined by Joe Collins, long standing NxtGenUG member who's up for his first Member Nugget! Knowing Dave he'll have an item or two of swag to give out too!

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“You can stand on the shoulders of giants OR a big enough pile of dwarfs, works either way.”