Skills Matter is delighted to support The Agile Testing Days taking place in Berlin on 12-14th October!
This event is the leading European conference for the worldwide professionals involved in the agile world. We are very proud to count on the support and the work of Lisa Crispin, Elisabeth Hendrickson, Tom Gilb, Stuart Reid, Isabel Evans, Tom and Mary Poppendieck and last but not least Alessandro Collino.
We decided to choose Berlin as one of the best connected capitals in Europe and also for its very good price/service ratio for hotels and flights. Berlin offers also a lot of fabulous places to visit in your spare time.
The event consists of 1 day of Tutorial and 2 days of Conference.
PROGRAMME Day 1 consists of the following exciting tutorials delivered by the world's best agile testing leaders: - Using the Agile Testing Quadrants to Cover Your Testing Needs, by Lisa Crispin - Managing Testing in Agile Projects, by Isabel Evans and Stuart Reid - State-of-the-art and future of Agile Testing, by Alessandro Collino - Agile Inspection Leader - How to perform an efficient agile inspection, by Tom Gilb - Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) in Practice, by Elisabeth Hendrickson - Designing a Lean Software Development Process, by Mary and Tom Poppendieck
Days 2 and 3 consists of a 3-track conference including the following keynotes: Lisa Crispin - Are Agile Testers Different? Tom Gilb - Agile Inspections Mary and Tom Poppendieck - The One Thing You Need to Know ... About Software Development Stuart Reid - Investing in individuals and interactions
SPECIAL SKILLS MATTER COMMUNITY DISCOUNT The standard rates for the various elements of the Agile Testing Days is as follows: Tutorials = 700 EUR per session 1 Conference Day = 450 EUR 2 Conference Days = 850 EUR Skills Matter has negotiated a special rate for its community - but hurry, this offer is only valid until 31st August! Simply quote the following promo codes when booking online to save: SKILLSMATTERTUT010 - this code entitles you to a saving of 10% discount from the Tutorials. SKILLSMATTERCONF020 - this code entitles you to a saving of 20% discount from the Conference.