repeat! Amazon EC2 and Ubuntu UEC - but quick...

Virtualization, VMware, Hyper-V, Eucalyptus, Cloud Computing
17-18 Sep 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US

Although this is a repeat of last wednesday's meetup, we are changing the format a bit. Start time will be 6:30, end at 8:30 sharp. The presenter will have port 22 access already and have the needed security keys in order to teach the following:

1) select appropriate management tool (elasticfox? Cloudkick? Command line?) 2) select an AMI (amazon machine instance)

3) choose the appropriate ARI and AKI (kernel and ramdisk images)

4) download the matching kernel modules

At this point we will be a a rare point in Amazon Web Services-land... booted kernel, OS (userland) and kernel modules all the same version...

5) modify this OS to our tastes / specifications (add software, etc)

6) bundle, upload and register this new AMI so we (or anyone else if we allow it) to create machines based on this AMI

Note that this is a minimum skill level to use Amazon as this procedure is the only way to save the modifications you make to your linux machine. We'll be using the 32 bit "Small" instance that costs as little as $0.03/hr ($22/mo) with 1.7GB RAM and 160GB disk.

These are the same tasks and commands needed to use Ubuntu UEC.

1) Please arrive before 6:30. 6:30 is the start time of the tutorial. We won't wait for stragglers. The idea is to get out in 2 hours.

2) Please RSVP with your photo ID name for building security

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