Architecting an n-tier application for the Azure Platform

22-23 Sep 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
1900 Gallows Road , Vienna, US

by Vishwas Lele (RD, MVP)

In this session we will take an existing n-tier .NET application and discuss how it can be re-architected to take advantage of the Azure platform. Through several demonstrations and code walkthroughs, we will take a deep look into the key mechanisms enabled by the Azure Platform including - Web and Worker Role, Azure Storage, .NET Services and Azure Storage.

Vishwas Lele is Chief Technology officer (.NET Technologies) at Applied Information Sciences, Inc, where he has worked for the last fourteen years. In his current role, he is responsible for assisting organizations in envisioning, designing, and implementing enterprise solutions that are based on the .NET technologies.

Vishwas also serves as the Microsoft Regional Director for the Washington DC area. As a Microsoft endorsed expert, he is regularly consulted by clients for his insight and informed perspective on implementing .NET based solutions.

A regular industry speaker and author, he has presented at a number industry conferences as well as community user groups.

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