Droidcon London 2009

OpenSource & Agile Community Events
Wed, 2 Dec 2009, 09:30 - 11:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
RSA , London EC1A 4DD, GB
95.0 GBP

Skills Matter is pleased to organise droidcon London 2009 taking place in London on 2nd December - the UK's first community event aimed at grassroots Android developers!

The event moves to London, following the world's first droidcon, in Berlin on 3-4th November. The aim of droidcon is to bring together the Android development community in an informal environment where they can share ideas, demo new apps, talk to the experts and generally have lots of Android-related fun.

Registration To event aims to provide a real opportunity to share ideas, learn and discuss, so we have limited the number of delegates to 125 only. There is also an Early Bird Discount of nearly 75% if you book on or by September 30th, so if you would like to join us, get your skates on and register today!

Call for papers The programme is still being finalised. However, this will be updated here once speakers are confirmed. If you are interested in a speaking opportunity at droidcon London please contact us and we'll forward your proposal to Carl Gustaf-Harroch. Carl has kindly agreed to be the programme lead for this conference and is also the leader of the London Android User Group who meet at Skills Matter on every 3rd Thursday of the month.

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“Owning a computer without programming is like having a kitchen and using only the microwave oven” - Charles Petzold